Raven sighed and simply replied, 'Well, what DO you know?' Starfire simply shrugged and muffled out an answer through her chewing. 'How did we get here?' Raven asked, seeing Starfire had been awake for much longer than she has. 'It is very interesting!' She noted, before taking another huge bite from her lunch. 'You seem happy about this.' Raven observed, in her general monotone voice. She was confused, but not startled by this, and began to look to Starfire for information. She looked at Starfire for a bit, then examined her own hands. That's when Raven realized something very unusual. She seemed to be happily munching away at an odd fruit. Standing, she turned around to see Starfire sitting on a tree stump, in her usual purple garb, complete with a short skirt. Examining her surroundings, she was obviously no where familiar or friendly. She was in her battle leotard.and not much else. She turned sideways and tried to adjust her eyes, slowly gathering her thoughts. Raven slowly opened her eyes to the glare of the noon sun.